About Hardison Mill
Homesteading in the 21st century...
There's a place where time moves a little slower. Where the crickets sing us to sleep and the rooster wakes us in the morning. Where we work to make room for the things that matter and discard the things that don't. Where the world is a classroom, and everyone is a teacher. Where we're learning how to grow our own food and think for ourselves, and more than that, how to be a family, and be a part of the community we live in. There's a place where life, love, and hope lives... The Homestead at Hardison Mill
a piece of Heaven on earth.
An hour south of Nashville, Tennessee, nestled alongside the Duck River, the 100 acre Hardison Mill farm is home to not only an historic Homestead built in 1870, but also a one-room schoolhouse and farm school where they're re-thinking education, a world-class concert venue where some of the greatest singers, songwriters, and storytellers share for a packed audience, a two-day homesteading festival where people travel from all over the world to learn to live more sustainable lives, a hand-made streaming tv channel where life streams, along with music and stories. There's also the Mealhouse & Bakery where breakfast and lunch is served and the food and people there have been..."changin lives one bite at a time," for fifteen years now.
learn more...
Learn about the homestead and family who built it. Read about Rory's family and their story in his blog. Subscribe to the channel to watch and listen to all the songs and stories in one place. Find out what they're serving at the Mealhouse, when the next concert is, or who will be speaking at the Festival this June.