Taking cues from the one-room schoolhouses that dotted every small and large community in the United States a hundred or more years ago, our school purposely has an enrollment of only 15 children. Our classroom is a patchwork of multi-age children, to more clearly model our learning environment after actual family life. Though we have two full-time teachers and a school director, we also believe that everyone in our community is a teacher that the children can learn from (and they can learn from our kids), so our curriculum includes instruction from ’specialists’ from all walks of life: farmers, chefs, beekeepers, retired persons, and everyone in between.

The Hardison Mill one-room schoolhouse was created from the outpouring of love and generosity from thousands of individuals when beloved country music singer and Hardison Mill resident, Joey Feek, passed away from cancer in March 2016. Countless cards and letters from people all over the country and world sent condolences, and encouragement along with cash and checks to help in any way they could. The money received was nearly a hundred thousand dollars. A year later, Joey’s husband Rory used that money to build the schoolhouse for their then 3-year-old daughter Indiana. Knowing that, though the school was built as a way to school Indy at home, it would be filled with lots of other children in our community. You can read more about how the schoolhouse got started on Rory's blog.

The One Room Schoolhouse

"teachers are everywhere, what is wanted is a learner..."
- Wendell Berry

The mission of Hardison Mill School is to equip children and parents in our community and around the world with the values, skills, and education necessary to live well, love well, and be a shining light to the world.

Our goal is to provide a rich, well rounded academic setting using a variety of techniques and curriculum, where mentoring and apprenticeships encourage real life practical learning with emphasis on character building in addition to traditional academic learning.

Hardison Mill School accepts all age appropriate applications. It is our goal to be a blessing to our children, their families, the community, and the world through teaching and example. Our goal is to instill a love for learning, a love and respect for one another, and a love for God.

The Farm Program
at The One Room Schoolhouse


You can also show your support by shopping on Amazon using the link below.
The Mission
How Donations are used:
Donations are used for the operations of the school including but not limited to
teachers salaries, utilities, supplies, curriculum, professional fees, equipment, specialized
learning experiences, and events.
We are also very hopeful that we will be able to establish endowments to assist with the tuition for families in our community who would otherwise not
be able to afford the expense of private schooling.
Love Is A Gift
Things you may need:
Tax Information: If you've donated you may need our EIN number.
Love Is A Gift INC EIN# is 82-4284018
Donation Catagories:
Scholarships and individual or general tuition donations (please indicate the child's name)
Books and supplies
Animals, feed, and equipment
Music program